A/Prof Melanie Porter, Ashleigh Behrens, Lucas Sach & Stepanie Franks
2024 Global Conference Speaker
Associate Professor Melanie Porter is a Scientist-Practitioner with a Master of Clinical Neuropsychology and a PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology. She serves as a director at ADHD Australia, where she leverages her expertise to advocate for and support individuals with ADHD. As a mother of a son with ADHD who is now in high school, Melanie brings a unique perspective to her work. With both lived experience and a strong clinical background, she is passionate about helping students with ADHD thrive academically and socially.
Ashleigh Behrens is a PhD student from Macquarie University. Her research aims to better understand the factors that contribute to the social experiences of young people with ADHD using qualitative and quantitative methods. Ashleigh is also a Clinical Neuropsychology Registrar (registered psychologist) at MQ Health Neuropsychology Clinic.
Lucas Sach is a Psychology Honours student from Macquarie University. His research aims to utilise qualitative research methods to better understand the school experiences of women and girls diagnosed with ADHD. This research aims to identify contributing factors to ADHD under-detection as well as key areas of support.
Stephanie Franks is a second-year scholarship student from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), currently studying a Bachelor of Information Technology. Stephanie has lived experience of ADHD, and hopes to provide insight into social experiences and ADHD in females from a firsthand perspective.
Join us for an insightful session on the lived experiences of individuals with ADHD at school. Ashleigh Behrens will present her PhD research, exploring the experiences and relationships ADHDers have at school. Lucas Sach will follow with his honours research, including interviews with females with ADHD, looking at their personal school experiences as a female with ADHD. Finally, hear from Stephanie, a 20-year-old with ADHD, as she shares her journey following a late diagnosis and reflects on her school experiences.
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