Jessica Eccles
2024 Global Conference Speaker
Reader in Brain-Body Medicine
Dr Jessica Eccles is a practising ADHD medical specialist, and eminent researcher and the Chairperson of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry Special Interest Group. We are grateful for her ending her gravitas and being our closing speaker of the conference.
Bendy Bodies and Bendy Brains and Other Linked Conditions
Dr Jessica Eccles is a practising ADHD medical specialist, and eminent researcher and the Chairperson of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry Special Interest Group. We are grateful for her ending her gravitas and being our closing speaker of the conference.
80% of women and 50% of men with ADHD have a linked condition impacting their connective tissue, which in turn can have significant impacts and other health conditions. She is going to be telling us about that and about other linked conditions. She will be giving a Q & A session at the end.
Use the Comment field below to ask a question for the Q&A section

Hi Jessica. Wow, just wow! I have a background as a physiotherapist and when I practiced clinically one of my passions was treating patients with hypermobility. I was very aware of the physical issues that could occur alongside around stomach issues, low BP and co-morbidities etc but this is the first time I have heard of the connection with ADHD and Autism.
When someone is assessed for ADHD what else do you think they should be screened for?
What do you hope people with ADHD do next after having watched your presentation?
Where do you wish others do more research?
YOu said emotion based treatment often doesn’t work for Neurodivergent people. What did you mean by that?
So many of my queries were answered by this presentation.. thank you
Once we get a diagnosis and make connections between several ongoing conditions we may have, what’s the next step?
How could we best approach tackling the list of things happening with someone?