Simon Blair
2024 Global Conference Speaker
Entrepreneur and CEO of multiple companies
Simon Blair is an entrepreneur and CEO of multiple companies. He’s a proud father of three, an ultra-runner, and a passionate advocate for ADHD awareness. Simon shares his experiences and insights on living with ADHD, aiming to inspire and support others while challenging common misconceptions.
Beyond Limits. Simon Blair.
Simon Blair is a successful Entrepreneur with ADHD, a recent successful Marathon de Sable competitor, and creator and star of his film “Beyond Limits” about being ADHD in the extreme that is the Marathon De Sable. He will be sharing clips of his movies and talking about his story. There will be a Q & A at the end.
Use the Comment field below to ask a question for the Q&A section

Do you see a “club” of people with ADHD using extreme levels of exercise to manage their ADHD brain?
What do you think will happen if you have a health event and can’t exercise at this level?
How can we view your film? I would love my family to see this, including my 13yr old ADHD / ASC son who is currently struggling with school and seeing his future potential. Thanks so much.
Have you recently watched Spencer Mathew’s 30 marathons in 30 days? He has recently been diagnosed with adhd.
How do you recover from burnout if your downsides have ever gone that far?
So true about schools not being ready! School with great SEND facilities are oversubscribed and hard to come by! My son has been struggling with EBSA since October 2023 and school have not managed our situation well or quickly enough. They focus too much on behaving well, creating an anxiety provoking environment and if kids can’t attend they are deemed a failure.
Yes! Your film into schools would be amazing!!