Lucina Miller
2024 Global Conference Speaker
Founder and Clinical Lead of NatureDoc
Lucinda Miller is the clinical lead of the UK-wide NatureDoc team specialising in supporting neurodivergent minds. With over 25 years of experience as a naturopath and qualifications in Functional Medicine, Lucinda has authored three bestselling books The Good Stuff, I Can’t Believe It’s Baby Food and Brain Brilliance. She lectures at the leading UK nutrition colleges and is a popular speaker at schools. She and two of her children live and thrive with ADHD.
A nutritional toolkit for ADHD.
Lucinda Miller in conversation with Henry Shelford. Lucinda has ADHD. She founded and runs NatureDoc, providing Nutritional advice to Neurodivergent children and Adults. She is the author of three books, including the recently released Brain Brilliance. Naturedoc now have 23 therapists and have helped over 10,000 people. She personally has a wait list of 12 months and climbing.
She is going to be sharing what she has learned about the links between the impact of ADHD and nutrition and share advice and what makes a difference. There will be a presentation followed by a Q&A.
Use the Comment field below to ask a question for the Q&A section

Forgetting to eat is a huge problem for me. What are some quick-grab, healthy and calorie-dense snacks that you’ve found really help ADHDers like me?
I’m veggie but hoping to go vegan. Does your plan/books/info etc cater for vegans?
My 13yr old son has ASC and ADHD (recently diagnosed) and has been suffering from EBSA since October ’23. We are about to embark on titration for ADHD 12hr stimulant medication and are warned about lack of appetite and weight loss. When it comes to it and if we get him eat, what are the most important foods you would recommend?
Question: Whenever I read about suggested extra vitamins and minerals (zinc etc) the supplements often say seek medical advice first, but that is not always possible. What do you recommend?
Wow! You’ve described our breakfast struggle every morning. Not a big eater, chewing clothes/hair and very selective eater. Not diagnosed, but highly suspected 9 yo girl.
With KP!!!
Any link between ADHD and low phosphate?
What approx. dosage of Zinc, Omega 3, etc., supplements would you recommend for a 13yr old (my son also suffers with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (hive))?
are there any links with tinnitus or nose bleeds relating to a lack in any vitamins/ minerals when a person has ADHD?
Do you ever recommend Intermittent Fasting? I read about it in an ADHD book and personally found it helps avoid over/under eating but have subsequently seen it being discredited.
I do find the fermented foods cause me to have hives. Is there any alternatives.
I find too much probiotics can make my ibs play up too..
what supplements do you find helpful for PANS PANDAS please? and Long Covid?