Izabella Risteski
2024 Global Conference Speaker
ADHD Neural Coach
Izabella Risteski is an ADHD Neural Coach based in Sydney, Australia, dedicated to supporting individuals with ADHD. Izabella’s personal experience, led her to observe a gap in the management of ADHD, particularly in the context of psychiatric assessments that often leave patients struggling to grapple with self-regulation, at the forefront of their executive dysfunction management. Often providing tools without the instructions. Izabella’s research study into firsthand ADHD diagnostic experiences was showcased during the 2024 AADPA conference.
Izabella earned an academic scholarship and graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Psychological Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Socio-Legal Studies. She furthered her education by completing the ICF and PAAC accredited ADDCA course, becoming a qualified ADHD Behavioural Coach.
As someone diagnosed with ADHD, Izabella understands the masking effects and is committed to addressing ADHD stigmatisation, policy reform and enhancing collaborative patient care.
Uncovering Critical Gaps in ADHD Management
Izabella will explore critical gaps in ADHD management highlighted by a recent study on individuals’ experiences with diagnosis. She will discuss the challenges, including barriers to obtaining an ADHD diagnosis, the masking effects seen in those diagnosed later in life, and emphasise the importance for comprehensive post-diagnosis support.
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