Henry Shelford
2024 Global Conference Speaker
Henry Shelford BSc (Hons) MSc MBA FRGS
Co-Founder and CEO
Henry was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. He founded ADHD UK after seeing the need for more support and understanding for people with ADHD. He was previously Chairperson and CEO of SarcoidosisUK where he built the charity from near nothing to becoming a global leader for Sarcoidosis support, information and research. In March 2021 Henry was made a Point of Light by the Prime Minister for his work helping people with Sarcoidosis during the pandemic.
Henry has an MBA from Darden (University of Virginia) where he was a full Batten scholar, elected Student President, and awarded the C Sheppard Distinguished Service Award. He has a MSc in Marketing from the University of Manchester, and a BSc in Environmental Science from King’s College London. Henry is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
Henry will be compèreing the UK portion of the conference – including opening and closing the conference and providing an update on the charity’s achievements in the last year and plans for the next year.
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Hi there, Thank you for hosting this conference. Please can i check how i can listen to speakers that i may have missed?
Thank you Henry, you have been amazing!
You’ve been really great, Henry. What a good ambassador you are. Yes everything ADHD from babies upwards is in crisis. Let’s see if this corporate-style Labour Party ever really address it. Or will it be a failure of government yet again, to look after the people and not just fill their own needs first and foremost? I’m really sick of it all but can’t give up putting pressure on the people who are in positions to be able to effect proper positive change and improvements in ADHD matters. I’ll keep an eye on ADHD UK from now on. Been mainly dealing with PTSD plus the symptoms from that. But I get my ND nature now. It’s something thank God I can work with now not tied to a 9-5 routine any more, I write from around 7-9 in the evening and usually sleep by 2am. Just like my lively time schedule when I was a baby and child. Parents were really frustrated by it and mother took it out on me. If only they’d known about ADHD then. But hey, I can be positive about my own experience of it now. There are definite advantages, if we look at them that way… hyper focus is a godsend to me and has been through life. But I have to do things that interest me, or it just doesn’t get done. Thanks for everything today. I’ll look at your site as I’m interested to see what peer support there is, or if I could contribute in some way, sometime. Preferably by writing! Thanks so much again, you’ve done a brilliant job! All the best to you and to us all. Best wishes, Heather Mitchell (Heather Mitchell Clarke on Facebook. Clarke was my maiden name). 🙂 Keep smiling. You are clearly a good man and a fun character, never took things too personally. What a star… I’ll put my old blog but my writing blog seized up after Paul died suddenly. The PTSD paralysed me again. Please let me know about the Ambassador Programme if you have an email you distribute to those interested. Thanks. HM.